Gift Card Product Configuration

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When a customer purchases a gift card from a NeuCart store, the process is no different than a customer purchasing any other product. However, there are some specific configuration steps of the product that will make the gift card purchasing process easier for the customer. This page discusses the best methods for configuring a gift card product.

This article discusses one or more best practices for configuration of a NeuCart store.
Information icon.svg
This feature or functionality was introduced in version 8.51.


All gift cards must be associated with a Gift Card Type, which controls settings and options for gift card behavior. One of the settings is the ["Sold As" Product], which determines the product in your store that will represent the gift card sales. Depending on settings of the Gift Card Type, specific configuration should be used for this Sold As Product.



When a Gift Card Type is configured with the option [Email Address Required] enabled, or if the [Pricing Behavior] is set to "Customer enters the initial value of the card", the customer will have to enter those values during purchase of the card. The only way for a customer to enter the values is on the Product Detail Page; therefore, in these configurations, the product option [Order from Detail Page Only] should be enabled, preventing customers from attempting to add the gift card to the card via the Product List Page.

When the Pricing Behavior option is set to "Customer enters the initial value of the card", the product option [Suppress Price Display] on the product should be enabled as well, since the product's price is not set until the customer enters a value.

Product Description

The product's description should include instructions and expectations for the customer:

  • When the email address is required, the description should tell the customer that the email address entered must match the email address that is used when the card is used to make a purchase.
  • If an amount is required by the customer, the description should tell the customer what the minimum and maximum values are, if applicable.
  • In any configuration, the description should explain that the gift card number will be included in the Thank-You Email after the order has been placed.
  • It may be desirable to explain to the customer how to check the gift card's balance. NeuCart's recommendation is that this information is not included; the gift card holder will receive this URL in their Thank-You Email after the gift card has been used.


Depending on the configuration needs of the store and preferences of the store's administrator, products that are gift cards may or may not be needed to display in product searches performed by customers. As with any product, to exclude the gift card product from search results, configure every category for the gift card product as [None].

The usual case is probably that there is only one gift card type and one gift card product, and a category is not necessary. In that instance, it may make the most sense to create a link from the Store Home Page to the gift card's Product Detail Page.

See also

Gift Cards

Check Gift Card Balance Gift Card Gift Card Product Configuration
Gift Card Reporting Gift Card Type

Learning series: Gift Cards
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