Gift Card Type

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A Gift Card Type is a configuration concept that is used to control settings and options for selling Gift Cards.

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This page discusses a configuration page from the Admin Area.
Information icon.svg
This feature or functionality was introduced in version 8.51.


The following fields can be configured for a Gift Card Type:

Gift Card Type Name
This name is used in configuration and administration only; customers do not see this text.
"Sold As" Product
Anything sold in a NeuCart store is a product; this "Sold As Product" field selects a product that, when purchased, will create the gift card in your system. Each Gift Card Type must be linked to a product, but the same product cannot be used for multiple types.
Card Prefix
When card numbers are generated, a prefix can be added to the beginning of the numeric sequence. Common uses of this field are to present a unique indicator to identify your website (MYSTORE-) or to identify a special type of card (HOLIDAY-). This field is optional; it is suggested that the value ends with a dash.
Email Address Required
When this checkbox option is checked,gift cards of this type must include the email address of the potential customer. When it is disabled, no email address is required. This option exists as a small matter of security, allowing a gift card to be used only on orders completed by the expected customer.
Pricing Behavior
Gift cards can be fixed-price (the price of the product), or variable-priced (a customer enters the initial value when the card is purchased). This behavior is controlled by this option. When this option is configured to allow variable pricing, Minimum-Value and Maximum-Value fields display to control the range of the card's initial value.

See also

Gift Cards

Check Gift Card Balance Gift Card Gift Card Product Configuration
Gift Card Reporting Gift Card Type

Learning series: Gift Cards
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