Check Gift Card Balance

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The Check Gift Card Balance page is a customer-facing web page that allows a customer to check the remaining balance on a Gift Card.

Information icon.svg
This feature or functionality was introduced in version 8.51.
Simple Monitor Icon.svg
This article discusses a customer-facing webpage.


By default, the URL of the page is gift_card_balance.php, however, it is recommended that this is changed to simply gift_card_balance by configuring .htaccess or using other URL-rewrite technologies.

Navigation to this page

There is no page-to-page link within a NeuCart store to this page. By default, the only reference to this page within the application is the Thank-You Email; if a customer has used a Gift Card in the order, the text of the email will instruct customers to visit this page to check the card's balance.


This page is very simple, including just a label, a text box, and a submit button. When a customer enters a card number in the text box and clicks submit, the page will then display the initial and current balances of the card, along with a list of each of the transactions in which the card was used. If an invalid card number is entered, an error message will be displayed.

See also

Gift Cards

Check Gift Card Balance Gift Card Gift Card Product Configuration
Gift Card Reporting Gift Card Type

Learning series: Gift Cards
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