PayPal IPN Repost

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PayPal IPN Repost is a page in the Admin Area that allows a store owner to repost an IPN that failed to validate during the normal process.

This article discusses
an Admin Area tool.
This article discusses a
technical topic that may not be
intended for all readers.

Background information

When a customer places an order at PayPal, an IPN is sent to a NeuCart store, allowing an order to be created. Sometimes the IPN validation process fails, even though payment was completed, and thus this tool became necessary as a way to give store owners a way to create the order manually.

Email message

When the IPN Validation fails, the store owner receives an email with the subject IPN VALIDATION ERROR. The text of the email is something like this:

IPN POST Handler:
IPN Request Failed.

IPN Validation failed. If you're sure this is a valid transaction (if you have 
received the funds in your PayPal account), you can complete the order-creation
process by copying the text from the next section into the PayPal IPN Repost 
page of your NeuCart configuration portal. This will create the order, 
sending appropriate email notifications to you and the customer.

payment_date|00:05:17 Sep 29, 2014 PDT

Raw request:

Using the PayPal IPN Repost tool

Notepad icon.svg
The example above shows only a few lines of the IPN Validation email; in reality the middle section would be much longer, including a list of products and discounts, etc. To use the IPN Repost tool, just copy everything between the ========== section indicators.

The IPN Repost page is simple to use. Like the email message says, just copy the section of the email (in the example above, everything from the "mc_gross" line to "notify_version") and paste it into the IPN Repost text box, and then click [Perform IPN Repost]. Once the "completed" message displays, you should see a new order in your Manage Orders page.

See also


API Auto-Return Encryption IPN IPN Repost PayPal
PayPal Express PayPal Payments Pro PayPal Preferences

Learning series: PayPal
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