PayPal Preferences

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PayPal Preferences is a configuration page in the admin area that allows a store owner to configure the parameters necessary to use PayPal as a payment method.

Desktop computer clipart - Yellow theme.svg
This page discusses a configuration page from the Admin Area.
Money Coin Icon.svg
This article discusses configuration or usage of a payment method.


There are a number of settings on this page that affect PayPal behavior; each option has its own help description displayed on the page. Some notable fields worth mentioning:

Store ID
This field should contain the PayPal Store ID, or more likely the email address, that is associated with the PayPal account for the store. In short, this is the email address that receives funds when a customer makes a purchase!
Encryption Settings
See PayPal Encryption for a full description.
IPN Settings
See IPN for a full description.
API and Express Settings
These settings are used for PayPal Payments Pro and PayPal Express, as well as for PayPal's Mass Pay API (specifically when paying Marketing Partners on the Partner Payments page). For more information, see PayPal API.

See also


API Auto-Return Encryption IPN IPN Repost PayPal
PayPal Express PayPal Payments Pro PayPal Preferences

Learning series: PayPal
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