Item Quantity Configuration

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This article discusses multiple options throughout NeuCart's configuration that relate to Item Quantity. As a basic starting point, every product is given a [Quantity Available] value on the Product Management page. From there, several options control behavior of when a product's count is reduced and what happens when the quantity gets lower.

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Each product has a [Quantity Available] setting where the total quantity available is entered. In addition to the number, this field contains a selector for choosing the behavior for decrementing the stock available. The default setting is "Decrease quantity when ordered", and that is the typical setting for physical products; this option is usually set to "Do not decrease" for digital items. Note that even when set to "Do not decrease", the product should contain a quantity of at least 1 so that it does not display as out of stock.

Under Advanced Attributes from the Product Management configuration, there is a "Quantity Messages" tab that includes a number of options for displaying customer-facing text with messages about the available inventory:

# of Items Remaining Message
By default, this field is blank. When this field is not blank, this message will display and tell customers how many items are remaining. A sample configuration is There are {1} items left., where {1} gets replaced with the quantity.
# of Items Remaining Message (below threshold)
When this field is not blank, this message tells customers how many items are remaining. This "threshold" allows configuration like There are ONLY {1} items left!
One Item Remaining
This field is displayed when the remaining quantity is one. This option exists because the language construction is generally different for a single item versus multiple items.
Low-Count Threshold
This field is quantity at which point the "below threshold" message will be displayed, instead of the regular "# of Items Remaining" message being displayed.
Zero-Quantity Text
This text displays when this item reaches a quantity of zero. This field is optional; if no value is entered into this field and this item's quantity reaches zero, the default [Out of Item] text will be displayed.

Display Preferences

In Display Preferences, the [Out of Stock Behavior] option determines the behavior of an item when it is out of stock (reaches zero quantity). There are three options for this field:

Can be ordered
In this configuration, zero-stock items can still be ordered, and it is up to the store to handle processing of items that are not currently in stock. When this setting is selected, the default text for zero-stock items is "Backordered".
Cannot be ordered
In this situation, items with zero-stock remaining are displayed, but they cannot be ordered. When this setting is selected, the default text for zero-stock items is "Out of Stock".
Do not display
In this configuration, zero-stock items are not displayed on Product List Pages. A customer who knows the URL of the Product Detail Page could still access the product on that page, but the product is not orderable.

See also

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