Item Quantity Configuration

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This article discusses multiple options throughout NeuCart's configuration that relate to Item Quantity. As a basic starting point, every product is given a [Quantity Available] value on the Product Management page. From there, several options control behavior of when a product's count is reduced and what happens when the quantity gets lower.

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Each product has a [Quantity Available] setting where the total quantity available is entered. In addition to the number, this field contains a selector for choosing the behavior for decrementing the stock available. The default setting is "Decrease quantity when ordered", and that is the typical setting for physical products; this option is usually set to "Do not decrease" for digital items. Note that even when set to "Do not decrease", the product should contain a quantity of at least 1 so that it does not display as out of stock.

Under Advanced Attributes from the Product Management configuration, there is a "Quantity Messages" tab that includes a number of options for displaying customer-facing text with messages about the available inventory:

# of Items Remaining Message
By default, this field is blank. When this field is not blank, this message will display and tell customers how many items are remaining. A sample configuration is There are {1} items left., where {1} gets replaced with the quantity.
# of Items Remaining Message (below threshold)
When this field is not blank, this message tells customers how many items are remaining. This "threshold" allows configuration like There are ONLY {1} items left!
One Item Remaining
This field is displayed when the remaining quantity is one. This option exists because the language construction is generally different for a single item versus multiple items.
Low-Count Threshold
This field is quantity at which point the "below threshold" message will be displayed, instead of the regular "# of Items Remaining" message being displayed.
Zero-Quantity Text
This text displays when this item reaches a quantity of zero. This field is optional; if no value is entered into this field and this item's quantity reaches zero, the default [Out of Item] text from Display Preferences will be displayed.

See also

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