HTML Thank-You Emails

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Revision as of 02:17, 14 November 2015 by NeuCartAdmin (Talk | contribs) (HTML Markup)

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HTML Thank-You Emails are emails that, if configured, a NeuCart system sends to customers after an order has been placed. Unlike the plain-text Order Confirmation Emails that are sent by default (and that are mostly formulaic), HTML Thank-You Emails allow a store owner to present more store-specific information, branding, and images that will enhance the buyer's overall experience and store appearance. In addition, by using HTML in the thank-you emails, the confirmations to customers can be clearer to read and include modern layouts.

Desktop computer clipart - Yellow theme.svg
This page discusses a configuration page from the Admin Area.
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technical topic that may not be
intended for all readers.


The configuration for HTML Thank-You Emails is done in Order Notification Preferences on the HTML Email Format tab. On this tab, there is a large text box for configuring the HTML markup, as well as a section for configuring the rules for displaying certain parts of the HTML markup. For example, with proper configuration, information about downloading digital products will appear only when the order actually contains a downloadable product.

HTML Markup

The text box for HTML allows for any text; the default HTML that is shipped with the product includes somewhat standard HTML sections:


The body section contains the HTML for your emails, as well as the special replaceable text that will be displayed based on the conditions of the order. The style section includes any CSS that relates to the HTML, using the usual "id" and "class" attributes. Important notes:

  • During the order creation and the email generation with this HTML, the CSS from this section is matched to the HTML and written "inline". (The process is called "CSS inlining".) Because many (if not most) email programs do not support actual CSS Stylesheets, this transformation needs to occur so that your emails will look as you expect them to.
  • The CSS Inlining process does not allow for pseudo classes (a:hover, for example), because most email applications do not support this.

Rules and Replaceable Text

See also

Emails and Thank You Page

Order Notification Preferences HTML Thank-You Emails
Order Confirmation Email Thank-You Page

Learning series: Emails and Thank You Page
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