Product Options List

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A Product Options List is a list of user-facing options that can be configured for a product. A common example of a Product Option List is a list of sizes: Small, Medium, Large. The concept of Product Options Lists is to allow a single list of configurable options (small, medium, large) and then assign that list to multiple products; this is easier to configure than assigning multiple options — and likely the same options — for multiple products.

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This page discusses a configuration page from the Admin Area.
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This article discusses customer-facing user functionality.
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Important UI changes for Product Options List within the Admin Area were made in version 9.01.


Product Options Lists is the configuration page in the admin area that allows a store owner to configure these lists. It is a standard Table View/Form View admin page. The following fields are configured for each Product Options List:

Options List Name
This is the name of the list that appears on the product detail page of the store. For example, this would be configured as "Size" if the configured options are Small, Medium, and Large.
This is a description that is seen only in the admin area. It helps a store administrator know the purpose of the list.
Price Display Style
In the case where one or more options in the list are configured with a price, this option determines how that price will display. The choices are:
  • Default: The option name is followed by the price in parentheses.
  • Show "Add": Like the default, but inserts the word "Add" before the price.
  • Combined Total: Displays the total of the product's price plus the price of the option in parentheses.
  • Combined Total (even when unpriced): Like Combined Total, but also shows the price in parentheses even if an option is unpriced. This option works best when the product's option [Suppress Price Display] is enabled.
This is the section where the actual options are configured. Each option may be configured with:
  • Name. (Small, Medium, Large)
  • The sort order. This field allows the options to be rearranged.
  • Price. An advanced, option, this field allows the option to be priced, thus adding to the product's price. One common example of this field's usage is for musicians who create an "Autographed?" option list, where the "Yes" option is priced as an additional fee.
  • Alternate Product ID: This field is used to link an option to a product; this advanced configuration is intended for inventory tracking as part of SKU Masking.

Customer Experience


See also

Product Configuration

Product Product Images Product Options List

Learning series: Product Configuration
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