Audio Preferences

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Audio Preferences is a configuration page in the admin area that allows a store owner to configure settings related to customer-facing audio settings. For stores who do not sell music, this page is never needed. For stores who do sell music, this page is rarely accessed as the defaults are generally appropriate for most configurations.

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This page discusses a configuration page from the Admin Area.
This article discusses a
technical topic that may not be
intended for all readers.


There are only five settings in Audio Preferences:

Default Volume
On a scale of 10-100, the default loudness for HTML5 Audio within the store.
Audio Format Order
This option exists because not all browsers support all formats, and you can therefore choose which audio is listed first. NeuCart recommends using the first selection (MP3, OGG, WAV), especially if you provide all three formats for your files.
Preload Attribute
This setting tells the browser how to cache (or not cache) audio data, based on performance needs of your store and your server's ability.
Play and Pause Buttons
These fields allow configuration of the images used for audio players. These fields are provided to allow stores to use customized play/pause buttons images, rather than the default. (These settings exist because if the default images are simply replaced with custom images, those images will be overwritten on upgrade; these configurable fields prevent store customizations from being overwritten.)

See also

Music Features and Functionality

Album Audio Preferences Sample Audio Files

Learning series: Music Features and Functionality
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